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A member registered Jul 06, 2021

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Use whatever you like, I'm just improvising. Just like Help 198X and other pixel games, my English online name is "CODE-75", but I later lost my account and could not retrieve it, so I changed my name to "No Name 1986"(1986is nes year)

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Hello, hello, maker, are you there? I spent two days creating this, kind of improvising.

Name: Broodmother Monster Truck

is a truck parasite that can breed prototype parasites. Due to the "monster truck's" maneuverability and off-road capabilities, these monsters spread parasites around, but when a vehicle rolls over, its tentacles can extend from between the wheels to pull itself up.Inside the cab is an egg sac, which throws other parasites from under the chassis (possibly the same ones in the corpse). However, this is only the lowest level nest mother and cannot give birth to stronger parasites.

I'll be waiting for the official release of these.:)

Expect  have these::

For example, unlock the only BOSS  fight.

 unlock BOSS and enemy illustrations Pixel map, Check out the enemy's backstory

There will also be additional hidden BOSS and even difficult levels. Maybe the configuration of some enemies will also change. Players may even encounter mini-BOSS that do not appear in other difficulties, such as the Perfect Tank. (

Difference in difficulty: In normal difficulty, the soldier corpses will not react, but in hard difficulty, parasites will suddenly erupt and attack from behind. )

I love this game, and its aesthetics. 

Especially the "parasitic vehicle" BOSS makes people feel the horror of the combination of machines invented by humans and alien monsters.

I didn’t quite understand the opening animation. Where did the monster prototype come from? What happened to the jar and the portal... Infected the doctor and created a bunch of aliens and a huge skeletal arm?

Well, in fact, I didn’t understand the Japanese plot of “Contra” in those years. All I had to do was shoot the aliens to death with a gun.

When I passed by the "soldier corpses" in the scene, I was even afraid that they would burst out with some parasites, just like the "human-faced dog attacking from behind" in Contra 3. However, this makes me worry more...

I saw something similar to the chainsaw car and other infected in Mega Man X. It felt familiar, but not imitative.

But my favorite is the "core front" "Poison Blade" tank. It would be nice if it could protect its weak points.

On the train, I basically understood the technology lineup of this strange future world. A world using "green trains" and "buses" has flying vehicles like "Blade Runner". The city behind is invaded by alien meteorites. It was like the end of the world... The spore bullets scattered in the wind also claimed one of my lives, and I had to review the weapons inventory.

However, the BOSS battle left me a little disappointed. The green-skinned train monster was just a simple collision target. I thought I could crawl behind it and perform "spinal surgery" on it. It would be nice if there was a second stage of the battle.

I've played another beta version before, and the higher levels were a bit difficult... which made me give up on the second level.

It took me back to the 80s: "Hey, I saw the final BOSS, a beating heart with four lairs releasing aliens!"

My son can say "I saw a green train with a big mouth and it jumped at me like a snake!"

YES!You know what’s scarier than an angry father? An alcoholic and violent father. Likewise, you know what’s scarier than a bad school? The school is full of cults and gangs, and deaths are covered up.

The game synthesis is simply a genius idea!

My native language is not English:

In one of the previous downloads, I fed the dragon fully and then fed it even more fully. But I didn't kill all the puppets, and it didn't end the game. When I canceled the end game, I was attacked by the puppet and launched a cake at the thief. As a result, the cake hit the lying dragon, and the dragon lost the texture of its huge belly. Another feeding prompt appeared, and a BUG appeared.

Hey, I remember when I was a kid, I would hide in my house at night and play with my "NES". At night, there was a thunderstorm outside. I play games and watch Nintendo Power. Suddenly, a ferocious face appeared. Appearing at the door: "Fuck, go to bed!", oh, yeah, that's my dad...he was so angry.

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Bugs and issues

1. Save problem

NPC cards cannot be saved in the game, and all players will leave the team when the game is restarted. If the player misses the plot when restarting the game for the second time, there is a certain chance that the player will be unable to purchase workers and will be unable to continue the plot.

2. Combat balance

Only "soldiers" have value.

3. Balanced growth

In the game, there will be a "blowout" consumption in the early colonies, and the food cannot support it at all. A sweep operation actually takes 8 days. The colony should have "boundary protection" or "population control" to prevent growth.

The command center should be able to assign other civilians to work on farms or gem mines to support themselves, and civilians seem to just wait to be recruited as soldiers.

4. Balance of benefits

For a long time in the game, I was bored and slept for "gems". If possible, add a manual job, and the commander and adjutant should also do the work when necessary.

5. Screen problem

Some women have two belly buttons…


1. There is an error in the portrait of the second pregnant NPC.

2. There will be errors in the command center.

3. Veronica is always chatting with me, even occupying the main options on the screen.

4. After I have sex with a pregnant woman, Veronica’s lines will appear with a portrait of an NPC in the early stages of pregnancy.

5. After some choices and backing off, I was forcibly thrown back into the room to talk to Veronica, which was very inconvenient.

6. If you have played the game once and then play a new game, some BUGs will appear when you skip the plot. If you save in situations such as recruitment and settlement, loading the file will show that your save has been cheated... ...I have encountered it three times randomly, and it seems that the save file appears when the settlement value increases or decreases.

some thoughts:

1. Black dogs cannot yet adjust their belly size. Maybe adjusting the size of its belly could slow down the enemy, but that would lower the player's score. (optional switch size penalty) You can even turn on "Super Pregnancy" to make it harder for monsters to move. For the sake of balance, "facelifts" may cost money to unlock.

2. Increase motion sickness protection...

3. Is it possible to selectively turn off BACKROOMS’ signature “noise”? I have specific neurological symptoms and the buzzing makes me vomit.

4. You can purchase themes such as enemy costumes, decorations, and behind-the-scenes stickers of different themes, and you can even add furniture to prepare the scene.

5. Combined with the first point, I think a photo mode can be added... Players no longer focus on having sex and escaping, and can even take photos. If the player approves of the photo and wants to save it, they can paste it to the edge of the monitor on the preparation screen.

I bought this game. The previous one was a pixel-style spot-the-difference game of the same type as finding "monsters", but I always felt that it still had flaws.

1. The phone system is very good, but there is also a slight plot bug (which caused me to accidentally kill a neighbor). Most of the time I will no longer use this system unless it is a neighbor who is really difficult to identify.

2. Many of the weird "doppelgangers" in the game are so obvious that I don't know if asking about them is safe or would add to the gameplay. "My head? Sleeping late." "It's just a rash" is really funny. But most of the time I just call DDD.

3. The door opening and closing system is manual. I let someone in by mistake. Can it be changed to automatic? (or can be upgraded)

4. I don’t know why DDD can’t make an emergency call or enable it directly with one click.

5. I don’t know what that clown does...but I know the dice game.

6. In the game, you can only choose to handle and put in. Will they not run away urgently after being exposed? Maybe you can update the content and set a BOSS that will run away and disguise itself more perfectly each time.

7. Maybe you really should have neighbors who get injured in accidents.

In the past, the characters were transformed by stealing materials from the "魔化任務"(Maybe it's the Japanese name). Now the author wants to commercialize the work and cannot use other people's materials.

You can make a copy and rename it without destroying the original file.

Change the OGG that resembles the name to the name on the prompt

The salamander seemed to disappear after the Amazon storyline ended, and I couldn't go back to find her, but there were pictures of her complete set of maids in the album. I don't know what I missed

The golden haired fox girl used to be recruited in the smuggler camp after completing the capital plot, but she disappeared after updating the save... It seems that she will have to wait to be added in the future.

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game name-www-save,copy to newvergame-www,ok?


1. When the player encountered the "Nazgul" in the basement of the mansion, I originally threw it from the mansion to the sewer, but now it was thrown to the devil's nursery...

2. After the player completes the Dragon Island mission, if DEBUG jumps to Dragon Island, the plot will be confused and the player will not be able to teleport, making it impossible to continue the game.

3. The character abilities are confusing. I hope to add a program design of "re-learning skills by level". Lost skills can be learned again at the original location to eliminate BUG.

4. Some characters are lost due to players inheriting old save files, and they hope to be designed independently, such as Salamander Maid, Fox Fairy and other tenants.

5. The girl is still hanging on the wall of the demon nursery in the ranch, unable to be rescued.

6. The dragon girl seemed to be lost when taking a bath......

7. Some scenes have set penetration problems, such as pyramids (most of which have been repaired), steampunk sewer bars, etc.

8. It seems that Shanura cannot lay dragon eggs in the dragon nursery...

I did not end it immediately after playing the FEED ending, nor did I kill all the puppets. During the battle, I fired a cake, which resulted in a recurring ending choice. The dragon lost its belly and lay on the ground. When I continued to feed, , the dragon never seems to have enough.

a little bug can`t end? but i like it............

My English is not my native language, so I don’t know much about the plot. However, the early game did get my love as an "arcade game" style. The later "God Fish" led to "breaking the fourth wall in the game" and made the plot more interesting. It's even more terrifying, especially the first person at the end, which is a play within a play

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Sorry for posting here, I don't mean to bring some weird comments to the game on steam etc.

This game seems to be a little twisted, and the third chapter completely turns "cute" into an "unpleasant". At least, "nap" and "teacher" don't make me think that this is a perfect toy that can be accepted by people.

I am a toy lover and collect all kinds of toys, from ZBOT to FNAF. I am also a fan of animatronics. I always feel that there is something "abnormal" about this series. Today I finally discovered the abnormality:

1. What is the purpose of using "gel" to transplant organs into toys? There seems to be no organs in the toys being sold, they are just toys? The show never explains why the toys from 1006 to later ones are made like this. There is no need to do this in order to sell toys. And there aren't enough people being transformed into toys? I hope it can be answered in the future drama.

2. Similarly, why do we have to use modified humans? Isn’t it good to use pure human teachers in some cases? I never understood whether this move was redundant. In "Time," I saw the toy out of control fighting as much as a super soldier. No one resisted or counterattacked. The guards couldn't be so stupid, right? Moreover, such a huge thing has not been reported in the newspaper or investigated? There are some weird logic issues in this connotation, please don't say "the toy company is working with a government agency to hide this incident."

3. I know you won’t answer questions related to 1006. If 1006 is really a “one-armed chaotic skeleton” or a “Chimera”, this idea is too popular and does not look like a toy. I hope the author doesn't abandon the original design "toy" for the sake of "horror". Chapter 3 already has some weird positioning.

4. I was born in the 80s. I think the horror of toys should not be the shape of the toy. It is true that the weird shape is the selling point of horror games, but should we also consider the real horror of toys in the 80s: the moon shoe caused a breakup? Ankles, flamethrower guns, highly toxic toy materials, dangerous glass furnaces, lead alloys and more.

5. I really want to know the company’s work system. Employees are not allowed to talk to children, but they have direct contact with toy humans. Toy humans need to eat and drink normally, their food range, and the distribution and interaction between company personnel and toys. and the security and isolation of the company. If there is a wooden woman in front of me who grins 24 hours a day, a wave of human teeth will leak out when she opens her mouth. And rolling those bloodshot eyes at me like Poppy...OH MY GOD, I'm gonna go crazy. Also, the toy doesn’t seem to be able to heal itself, does it need repair? (like the teacher's face) I want to know how to keep the toy organs functioning without infection and necrosis...

Comments expected:

1. It seems that the map in each chapter of the game will not be reused, right? If the author doesn't mind the trouble, can he create a real flashback toy factory so that players can see clearly the operation of the toy company, medical conditions, and dietary conditions? And other issues. I know this may force players to replay the first three chapters, but it's also a good opportunity to extend the game's longevity...

2. Can the deceleration roulette system be used when switching hands (I know this will reduce the difficulty of the game). My friend is color blind, which causes greater trouble when using gloves... If possible, I hope the back of the gloves can be Add obvious identification.

3. English is not my native language. There are some things I hope to have "playback", such as things on the radio, In Chapter 3, when I was looking at the chicken panel, I was killed by a jump.

4. If human organs are also a kind of toy material, I would like to see some "H. R. G" aesthetics in Chapter 4. This also explains why "not all the bodies of those people were eaten."

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8.4 BUG

Still entering the dungeon, the buildings and map coordinates disappear after the magic tower. After the magic tower comes out, it triggers "Eternal Night",This is very serious! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After entering the area, you must perform SL or map switching to see the weather changes. For example, you can only see snowy days after coming out of the magic tower.

Demon Dungeon combat will still drop underground, such as behind the throne. One corridor in the Demonic Dungeon even lost its wall!

Monsters are fighting among themselves indiscriminately, and night demons are flying around strangely.

Stamina recovery is too slow.

You can still press ALT to move while masturbating...

What a huge carrot! ! ! !

Still can't have sex with many monsters...

It seems that weapon attack still needs to be adjusted, and "slope combat" is a bit strange.

The second upgrade ability cannot be upgraded to level 2 and level 3 abilities at the end.


Merchant system, selling raw materials and recycled products

Magic medicine, stamina management now makes running the map very difficult

If the base construction design is too troublesome, you can choose to create a separate copy similar to a magic tower and build it as a refuge for the protagonist to avoid losing the base. Players can teleport back and resurrect here at any time, and collect NPC teammates. In this way the goddess also has her own role.

Better bows and arrows, farther fighting areas.

Don't disappear instantly after the enemy leaves the alert area.

It reminds me of the memory from 1992: I was holding GB in a dark house, hiding in the dark quilt,  my parents' thinking that I had fallen asleep. 

Even in the dream, I am still with that They fought against the villains and monsters in some games until they were called up by their parents to go to school...

YES, I love this game~

thank you, This is more obvious examples:

1. The new Devil's Cave is on the new island in the southeast. In the case of fighting Night Stalkers, Bugmen, or Demons on the stairs, these monsters may disappear from the stairs or scenery. Once I found that the disappeared night demon was actually on the roof directly above the hall. It even followed me to the stairway where the demon was, wandering on the ceiling. After coming out of this underground palace, I met Yong Ye.

2. In the wild, I had a "night attack". I looked around for enemies, but found a monster stuck under the floor with its head exposed. The location was approximately near the Viking village.

3. I accidentally jumped on the roof and discovered that I could get rid of the "eternal battle", so I used the stuck perspective method to discover that the goat-headed demon was actually moving underground.

4. In the dungeon, I tried to seduce monsters and women, but after the sex, both parties’ legs got stuck in the ground, and I couldn’t leave. It will even fall into the void and come to the roof... This situation also happens in the house you built.

5. SEX seems to be unable to happen to demons, night demons, dragons and ogres. I don’t know if it’s a BUG or a new system. So I can't test the bugs caused by SEX in every environment.

6. Meteor Dash will occasionally fall into the ground due to obstacles encountered on the way, especially in specific locations.

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I accidentally discovered this game. It is a work with potential. It seems that the author has not updated it for two months.

My native language is not English, so it's difficult for me to express some of my opinions, so I'm sorry.

The game includes exploration, ACT, construction and GAL, but there are still a lot of bugs and strange things.

for example:

I can cause plot errors by talking to invisible NPCs, such as under the left area of the map. On the tenth day, I could talk to my invisible husband causing a plot error.

In the passage before CHEATNPC, I can fall outside the screen and cannot return to the map.

26 Some BUGs encountered

If the player talks to the invisible NPC in advance where the NPC appears, the plot will be confused.

I can't talk to the armory keeper to get a weapon

There seems to be some problems with the task triggering sequence

The mandatory task on the tenth day will fail if you talk in the farm.

some thoughts:

Going out is mainly about collecting materials, which can be used for base construction, agriculture, experiments and equipment upgrades. However, this isn't Metal Gear V, and players can't serve an entire base by themselves...

Base exploration is like reading a novel. Each NPC has its own things and subsequent development in each time period, just like a GAL. I know that all you need is a good script and a good outline.

Planet exploration can reveal the secrets of the planet. I don’t know where the author wants to go. The heroine becomes an eternal fertility goddess or discovers the cause of her own racial crisis. However, the combat system of the game is very monotonous. If you feel it is difficult, you can give up too much. Fight, just explore, because to wild animals, the protagonist's tribe is an invader.

Although childbirth is a gameplay, it can actually lead to more design concepts, such as improving species, changing the father (not an affair, but a surrogate), adding more NPCs, etc.

I know there are some difficulties in drawing in this game, I hope the AI can help you...

I don’t like the color scheme of the protagonist very much, and I hope to add customized skin and hair color designs, as well as change of clothes.

From 18:00 to 20:00 every day, I seem to have nothing to do. I hope I can do something to consume my time, such as bathing, fitness, flirting, games, etc.

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8.4.3 New version BUG and unfinished records:

1. You can still press ALT to act while "masturbating".

2. Some placed "furniture" will collapse and disappear or fall into the ground.

3. In some cases, it will directly enter eternal night.

4. Entering some "dungeons" or to sex,will result in losing all map coordinates and teleport points, and even losing one's own base construction.

5. Press Z to rest,When using "Map" and "Blueprint", the window may freeze completely if an error is made.

6. Sleep will cause the "pregnancy" state to disappear.But the status still exists

7. It still has a very bad ground penetration problem. It will fall into the sea on the map. If it is "raped" in the dungeon, it may fly out of the map and fall into the abyss and be unable to leave on the "floor".

8. If 7 occurs during combat, the player may never be able to get out of the "combat" state and cannot rest.

9. I found new villages, such as those in caves and orc villages, but some have air walls and falling into the void... Actually, there is no need to do so many civilizations.

10. Magic Tower and Demonic Dungeon are BUG-prone areas.

11. When using CHEAT mode, BUG will definitely appear.

12. You still need to be very precise to pick up branches on the ground...There are many stones that I don’t know if I can pick them up.

13. There is a problem with the display of enemy hatred and life.

14. There is a BUG in the night attack, and there is no enemy, resulting in a permanent combat state.

15. The SEX system of some monsters is destroyed

16. Some NPCs have fallen underground or disappeared, such as fishermen. (I haven’t found the goddess or merchant yet). In the same way, I was killed by underground Viking women and archers.

17. Many actions must be locked to damage the enemy... resulting in the inability to hit the enemy, such as hitting the floor with a spear.

Hope for future updates:

1.Clearly Hunger system

2. Planting system

3. Specific NPC heroes, they will not die and can move to the player's home to protect the base. They are the only ones that exist. , players can hire them or use them as studs. Just one hero for each monster species is enough, and some NPCs can help manage the planting.

4. It can carry portals (do you know the blue door in Diablo 2?) and carry repair items.

5. Defense systems such as walls and traps.

6. Female NPCs can even serve as monster ranches.

7. You can choose teammates in 3. Teammates will not die, can be upgraded, and can be reborn at the respawn point.

8. Magic items, such as running speed potion, overdue potion, flying potion, invisibility potion...

9. Non-CHEAT items to change the weather, such as totems?

Recent problems that I hope to fix immediately:

Bugs in Lost map markers, teleport points and my base buildings for some reason

Falling into the ground and into the void

Eternal night and fighting state

Lost Pregnancy and SEX

In addition, I found Many monsters are stuck underground, half-body or completely hidden underground, causing them to follow the player all the time. Although they will be "refreshed" to the ground, some enemies will still be stuck in the "battlefield determination" due to this. , such as demonic "dungeons" where enemies will stand above corridors or fall into abyss.

Enemies who attack at night are also stuck in the underground sea.

Suddenly I thought of a setting: machine guns or submachine guns. They fire very fast. Each magazine only has one live bullet, and the others are dummy bullets. Each person can only take turns to press the trigger once, and a different number of bullets are fired according to the time of pressing. Different firearms have different rates of fire, and the minimum number of bullets fired by one trigger is different. Players must consider the time to press and the time to release.

Since bullets are randomly loaded into the chamber, players can rely on some method, such as the sound in the magazine, to determine how far away the bullet is from them.


Some BUGs are not only in Christmas mode:

When the heroine's weight enters the next stage, it's a game BUG.

When the heroine goes on a trip, the game is BUG.

If an NPC is given repeated "equipment", the game will be BUG.

Wrong results will occur when items such as pumps are used by NPCs.

If the slime is too big, it will take up the entire package and cannot be sold but must be thrown away.

View NPC information and game bugs on the phone in specific modes (such as travel)

Some NPC equipment displays incorrectly in Christmas mode

AYA expansion mode lower abdominal piercing mold

Taking a shower together and changing states will cause character clones, leading to stacking.

Watching TV together, changing states will lead to character cloning, or even the appearance of two heroines with different actions.

BUG in unfinished game:

Some NPCs in Christmas mode have different models, inflated and sculpted figures, and belly sizes.

Massaging the abdominal status cannot fully recall the abdominal size status.

There is still no follow-up from the farmer and the police.

Even in the friendship and LUST states, when the heroine uses a water pipe/shower for an enema, her companions will still leave in shock.

Some of the roommate’s new NPC options “go against common sense”…

Thanks to you the game is getting more and more interesting now.

Suggestions and BUGs:

1. I can "flash" to the bed and sleep on the stairs.

2. When the protagonist’s belly sink exceeds one-third of the screen, the belly will become very deformed. When it exceeds half of the screen, the belly bulges upward incorrectly, without the feeling of falling. And when jumping in this state, the protagonist's legs will penetrate the module. Similarly, the protagonist's belly will penetrate the wall, otherwise the volume judgment will be increased.

3. I think the protagonist's walking level should be advanced because her legs pass through the belly module, adding a special "pregnant woman walking" action. When the protagonist's belly is too big, it will be almost impossible to move. Both running-walking-pregnant woman walking-nearly immobile.

4. In "interactive" situations, a black screen will occur. I think this can be completely ignored... However, a few times, I pressed "F" a few more times and the game remained in a black screen forever, and the game still continued.

5. Overstretching clothes on the belly causes distortion. I think it adds a "undressing limit". If possible, add a belly support belt and walker.


7. The "capacity bar" above the protagonist's head is not very obvious, especially at dusk.

8. I saw a certain basement and a camera, but it didn’t seem to be the protagonist’s home. Is there any secret here?

9. Add some shortcut keys, such as hiding UI, excreting, displaying time (in the game), and restoring the rescue position when stuck in a BUG.

10. The heroine can’t jump anywhere now…

11. There are many strange places in the scene, such as the wooden frame next to the neighbor's house, the lack of sidewalks, the air walls of the wooden shed, the strange brick walls, the unlimited supply of drinking fountains...

I am a game producer. Although I am not a 3D artist, I have experienced several games as a planner. Therefore, when I see players making games, I always give feedback that is like an "occupational disease."

I don't know what your 3D level is, so I made this for your reference.

Updates for playing on STEAM, but to prevent negative effects, I still want to post them here. Thanks to the author for constantly updating the game, adding a propulsion system, new weapons, new parts, and new BOSS, as well as adding storylines.

1. The melee weapon setting in the game is currently very useless. There is only a chainsaw in the front. I hope there is an "edge-blade" side weapon to create a "horse battle" attack method for the enemy. This weapon can be extended for a short period of time, causing large damage and then rebounding. Maybe, what do you think about extendable drills and chainsaws?

2. I think it would be fun to spray the enemy with a flamethrower or acid jet installed on the side of the car and then watch the enemy die slowly. Perhaps electromagnetic weapons can be added to confuse the opponent's controllers and weapon systems, such as reversing operations.

3. I hope to add a chip system, equipment system, whatever you want to call it. The vehicle can be equipped with some chips to adjust its performance, such as increasing weapon stability, vehicle body stability, increasing propulsion time, and even getting immunity to acid, fire and electromagnetic, or slow life recovery and increased defense. Of course, this may also bring To subtract and multiply.

4. I haven't gotten the weapons such as mines yet, I don't know if you added it. But now it seems that it is a little difficult for mines to hit the opponent... Maybe induced mines will be better.

5. I want to be able to create "support vehicles", which are 1VSALL every time. Players can DIY their own support vehicles, and they can be resurrected in the next level after being killed. Several AI commands can be added to them to allow players to help them in battle. As you know, some "car bodies" and "weapons" will be discarded by players in the later stage. These car bodies can be used to DIY their own support vehicles.

6. PVP and PVE online, YESsssssssssssss! I've been waiting for this, hoping for Brawl Arena.

6. I want more original BOSS, such as a super heavy helicopter, a huge wasteland tank that can crush your steamroller, a land cruiser, a slow fearless fortress, or even some kind of terrifying alien machine or evil god ( All we need is to destroy them anyway.) These monsters don't even need to appear in the main plot. I like to attack monsters that are far larger than us.

7. I found that although the weapons are better, the previous secondary weapons were abandoned. Can a weapon synthesis or equipment synthesis setting be added? Keep weapons upgraded or improved to avoid hoarding. As for the body, please see item 5.

8. I don’t know what else I want to say... All I can do is recommend the game to friends from STEAM and other aspects.

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Some suggestions and ideas

1. The chef setting occasionally leads to getting lost, it would be better if the filled cake is changed to instant.The ammo refilling effect can be similar to that of a shotgun, replenishing one round at a time.

2. The role of the chef can be used to make giant food to feed to the dragon, but players will lose their combat ability if they carry giant food. If the player takes damage, the food will be lost.

3. The final surface of the dragon looks much bigger than in the game. Perhaps a difficulty mode can be added to get a dragon with a bigger belly. At the same time, the more the dragon eats, the slower it moves. In order to increase the special effect, you can increase the state of the dragon's abdominal armor being stretched.

4. Free mode, players can feed the dragon and adjust the size and movement of the dragon at will.

5. The thieves are too annoying and the puppets are too monotonous.

6. Add an upgrade option, allowing players to gain greater attack power, longer attack distance and faster attack speed. Firearms are upgraded to straight-line shooting, larger magazines, and bigger cakes.

7. I have no idea about FUCK dragons...I prefer to expand them.

8. If I need, I can bounce on the dragon to hoard puppets, avoid wolves and thieves and then kill them collectively in exchange for a lot of food to feed the dragon. This feels like a boring tactic.

About game building upgrades and levels

The difficulty of the game is not exaggerated, but it seems rather boring. Especially the addition of thieves makes the balance problematic.

I personally recommend designing several dragons in the game. Each dragon has different skills and minions. The enemies encountered in each level theme will also be different, and the corresponding strategies will also change. The dragon's picture program only needs to change the skin and skills, so it shouldn't be too much work. I can also do pixel art, so I can spare some time to help if needed.

For example:

The default dragon only has a single puppet and wolf, etc., which seems simpler now.

The Necromancer Dragon can summon skeletons and ghosts flying in the sky around it to interfere with the protagonist's feeding.

The warrior dragon has the ability to harass thieves and others and knows how to defend against the feeding of the protagonist.

The mage dragon has a protective shield and can only be fed when casting spells.

The Chaos Dragon has powerful range distortion power and an unstable force field. When players feed it, it will not move in a normal parabola.

New ideas:

Mom's Knife: One hit will kill the enemy in the designated square,CAN`T KILL BOSS!

Martyr: All turrets have temporarily received increased firepower.

Monster Manual: Summon a random monster at a designated location to help you fight.

Attraction: Pull enemies in the upper and lower rows into the same row.

Mask of Shame: Summons an invincible mask at a designated location, which will disappear after a short stay.

Workbook with tampered names: Randomly converts enemies in the scene into elite enemies, dropping pills and money.

Graduation photo: Summon a row of ghost babies from the right to attack and disappear after a while.

Vicious loophole: Convert all deployed turrets on the field (including ?? and I`M ERORR) to random turrets.

Leather Picker: Summons several poops at random.

Sacrificial Dagger: Use on a turret and it will become a worm and dash forward.


I`M ERROR: An "I`M ERROR" that cannot be killed, sacrificed, or transferred away by the player will appear randomly on the map. He will occupy this block and cannot be used, but enemies can move past him.


Rotten Tomato: Throws a liquid and pollutes the ground. The liquid will not cause direct damage to the enemy, but any enemy who steps on the green liquid will be damaged. It is very suitable for AOE and against Skull Cap.

Healing Baby: Healing Baby will heal the surrounding turrets in a 3X3 grid. It is expensive, but worth it.

Fire and Brimstone: Fires slowly, but is powerful and can penetrate all expensive babies in front of it. YES! He is too expensive!

Beggar Baby: Automatically help you recover gold coins on the map, but he will keep a few for himself.

Sworn Guardian: He will place a protective shield on random turrets around him every once in a while, or it may be himself...

Epic Dr. Fetus: Corn Cannon...yeah!

Bob: Throws a bomb head forward, but the rate of fire is very slow and there is a shooting distance. If there are pellets to enhance the firepower, the bomb will become an incendiary bomb.

Parasite: When a bullet passes through it, it will split the shell into two and send it to the upper and lower channels. But the channel it was in had no firepower.

Rotten Babies: Will automatically spawn flies to hit enemies, much faster than eggs. Although flies have little health, they effectively make up for it with numbers and have special restraint on whales.

Incubus: It will fire bullets from four adjacent turrets around it at the same time. If it is not adjacent to an attackable turret (including shadow, self, parasite, etc.), it will not attack.

Shopkeeper: Will not attack, but will automatically give you money over time. After strengthening the firepower, he will give you better coins.

Insanity: Gives random buffs to surrounding turrets every few seconds.

I know you probably don't want to copy PVZ, but I still have some ideas based on the old Isaac game ideas.

1. Add a hero baby, which can be your meat boy, Isaac, or the hero in bangbang. This hero baby can only be summoned once per level, but its ability is quite powerful. To balance the game, baby heroes need to be unlocked in specific ways.

Summoning a hero baby will cause the hero to come out of the door on the left, go to the right and fight to save the situation, especially when the player is at a disadvantage.

2. Bad drugs seem useless, and we should have other ways to use these drugs.

3. Treasure: Small dice, which can convert a turret designated by the player into a random turret of the same level. Big dice will randomly convert all the player's turrets into other turrets of the same level.

4. Promotion: Players can spend a lot of money to strengthen their turrets and make them stronger. The normal turret can shoot two tears, the mortar will randomly attack multiple targets at once, the meat block turret will turn into a meat boy to bite others, and the spiked head will be able to heal itself. etc.

5. I hope the vomiter's shape can be redrawn, he looks too much like minions.

6. New enemies

According to what I thought of in the Binding of Isaac:

Ripper: If the player kills him, his headless body will turn into a sprint or jump method to quickly charge the player, but he has very little health.

Knight: An elite who is completely immune to frontal attacks. He is only afraid of penetration, ghosts, ground thorns and melee. It is a very difficult monster in the later stage.

Meatball: He will restore the health of surrounding units by 1 tear level every few seconds. If there are more than one, he will restore it multiple times.

Blood Corpse: After being killed, it will turn into mud and resurrect. After being killed, it can only be killed by thrown weapons, ground stabs, and melee. It will flee after being killed multiple times.

Skeleton: It can only be damaged when it is moving. It cannot be damaged or hit when it is not moving. Will automatically absorb fire from "thrown" weapons, but is afraid of horizontal fire.

Long-Legged Spider: It's fast, immune to ground stings and able to get over any obstacle, but is easily killed by fire. He may be difficult to hit with a thrown weapon.

Mom's Eyes: If not repelled in time, a turret will be killed with a Mom's leg trample.

Roshan: moves slowly and is very durable. He will continuously release as if to attack the player's front line. And will crush any turret that stands in its way.

Round-headed Worm: An enhanced version of the Vomiter. It can only be attacked when it leaks out of the ground. If it is not killed, it will attack the player with bullets behind it and then hide underground. He has less health than a vomiter.

Wailer: If the player kills this monster, it will cry loudly and then die, and the surrounding enemy units will be supported by an acceleration. (The shouting skill of the first BOSS)

Leech: Appears after killing a random "elite" enemy, has little health, but is very fast.

Skeleton Boy: Every time he moves one square, he will throw a bone attack, which is slightly more powerful than ordinary enemies.

Black Goat: A very difficult enemy. It will charge quickly and has relatively strong health. At 25% health, it will enter frenzy mode. If you cannot kill him at this time, he will release brimstone fire to attack a row after a few seconds. All turrets. Each black goat can only release fire and brimstone once per life.


1. It is estimated that the animation has not been completed, so many mating actions cannot be realized. Freezing occurs in rare cases.

2. There are problems with customization, such as the hair of the color palette spider, the male penis and breasts, etc.

3. Fertility needs to be balanced. I gave birth to creatures with no attack characteristics and four identical skills XD. In a small number of cases, the children born were lost due to plot and other reasons.

4. Once the wrong name is entered for the monster born, it cannot be changed.

5. Monsters need to be trained for a long time, and it will be too torture in the later stage.

6. The owl doesn’t want to send me to the city behind.

7. I cannot feed monsters outside of combat.

Some suggestions:

Overdue medicine: It can prevent the birth of monsters and maintain it above the maximum abdomen, but it will cause a negative effect of slowing down and also gain an attack buff.

Experience Book: Let monsters gain part of experience to ensure later growth.

Mission navigation: Add a mission flag to the NPC to let me know where to go.

Added pheromones: allows players to encounter specific monsters, such as pure males, pure females, pregnant women, etc.

Monsters can be restored using medicine outside of combat.

Action guide: I want to know which monsters can have mating animations.

(1 edit)

I have some knowledge of the game engine you use, and have developed small novels. (My job is to produce and plan low-end pixel graphics games) I have helped several authors before, of course, all on a voluntary basis.

Some ideas can actually be achieved by relying on a specific variable, and some can be achieved by using branches. I will try to help you set up a simpler tree diagram for your reference. I hope this will be helpful to your game design.

Please forgive me that my native language is not English, I had to use translation software, I know it is strange, but I still try to help you...

Question: (My native language is not English, so the English translation of the character’s name may not be directly expressive)

Some AI pictures seem to have big bugs, for example, the wings of the ice bird turned into suspended objects when asking questions, black underwear appeared in the thunderbird, the color of the roc appeared in the flame bird, etc.


The ship is a good base. Games such as Heroes of Corruption/Hybrid Power Research Institute/TITS will use a small base to develop the plot or create a small harem paradise. Players can interact with specific NPCs in each room when entering the "guest room".

some specific gameplay

Inflation and fake pregnancy: Players can use some special gameplay to inflate NPCs and maintain inflation.

Overdue Pregnancy: Players can use certain methods to make NPCs sterile.

If the player goes too far with the above two items, the NPC will become too large and refuse some interaction.

Modify the ship: Maybe the ship can go to farther continents, or even fly in the space, and go on adventures in other worlds (looking for ghost dragons)

Destinations: Choose several locations to explore and even return to previous areas.

Interactions with tenant NPCs:

Fight again: There will be different plots if the player loses and wins.

Sex: There will be different ways to play or refuse different ways depending on the pregnancy, the degree of bloat, and whether it goes to extremes.

Chat: Maybe find out about their relationships with other tenants and get some specific subplots.

Sleep: You can choose who to stay with for the night and restart your day.

(1 edit)

It is a great honor to test and play this game. This work is still relatively good, but it lacks some follow-up content. In general, the author has set up a very thoughtful framework, and this game is really worthy of attention.

BUGs and other issues:

You can move after pressing "ALT" while masturbating.

Special camera pressing "0" cannot hide the UI.

Sex in some places will fall into the void, such as dungeons, and some houses.

Excessive wear on Pickaxes and Axes in some locations...

If you refuse birth or carry out a second pregnancy while pregnant, the status will be reset. There may be a big belly but no sign of pregnancy, or a state of giving birth out of thin air without pregnancy.

Goddess disappeared...

The map is misaligned or does not display light parts properly, especially after multiple teleports.

Sleeping casually will cause enemies to spawn bugs and even squeeze you into the void.

The follower is "on rollerblading" and doesn't seem to be able to fight...Somehow, my ogres and night goblins, they suddenly rebelled.So the dragon and they began to fight.

Some items are a little harder to target, such as branches.

Wish teleportation steles were highlighted, especially in the woods.

Greatsword attack judgment and spear overpowering issues.

The female bandit is talking to me and fighting me at the same time...In the same way, if you enter the SEX scene during the conversation, it will also cause the screen to darken.

The key was made but the cage could not be opened, and the monster in the cage did not interact with the dragon.

Part of the terrain is stuck or a pillar is stuck in the house.


Add a regression ability to prevent BUG.

Sexual actions are optional, and some actions may not be available due to stomach problems.

According to the species of the fetus, "ability" and "enhancement" are obtained, so that rejecting birth will also become a game method. If the player wants to maintain these powers, the pregnancy must be maintained.

Multiple pregnancies and special pregnancies also add penalties, such as reduced speed or even being unable to run. With great power comes great price.

Repair cost reduced, or increased iron ore veins

More monsters and more NPCs are needed, supplemented to interact with dragons, caged monsters and goddesses.

Let NPC help players collect some materials, but I don't want to pick up branches anymore.

Let NPCs interact with monsters, and even control their pregnancy and birth.

I need some healing medicine...

If minions can fight, it should also be possible to heal and revive them.

If the empty houses in the village are useless, delete them. Since you can build them yourself, you don't need these houses.

A little thought:

If the game is normal, there should not be so many items, but players need at least a stone ax or a stone pickaxe for basic exploration.

But there were werewolves around the village in the early days, and it was dangerous to pick up branches...

Moreover, stones could not be mined in the early stage, and very few were picked up.

Therefore, the goddess can be used as the basis for maintaining the minimum game in the early stage.

Although the game has a construction system, I don't know why it is built, because the base and the game are not linked at all. There are no monsters attacking the village and no NPCs for you to keep. The key... This island doesn't even have a freshwater lake! ! ! ! OMG! author! There is no fresh water!

Although the game has carrots and other plants, it does not need to be planted...

Let the wild boar die once while picking carrots...

The buck was so brave...that he challenged me.

I made a lot of spears and leveled them up as I stabbed them, and eventually I got to level 15 because there was no iron ore repair.

All my points were invested in "stamina", and the extra points were purchased to upgrade learning backpacks and double jumps, but I found that the dragon had no interaction at all.

I ended up getting 10 werewolf "souvenirs" to make a werewolf minion and he wouldn't fight for me...

Oh... I used the spear all the way to level 36, I am now in the dungeon... No one can stop my spear...

I only seem to find two buttons, and stroking the belly... don't know if there is some secret.

Belly clothing treatments may need repainting, such as taut buttons and stretched textures.

The stretching of the clothes seems distorted...

I can't seem to find any secrets.